Backyard Bugs and Butterflies Summer Camp:
June 27 – July 1
8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
There’s no need to be afraid of the fascinating small wonders found in the world around us. Campers will discover what is cool about creepy, crawling, intriguing little critters and the roles they play in nature when they sign up for our Backyard Bugs and Butterflies Summer Camp. Girls and boys will become entomologist for a week as they study and observe bugs found right in our own backyard. Each child will photograph, identify and record their findings as they investigate bug behaviors. They will also witness the complete life cycle of the butterfly and make their own butterfly inspired wall hangings. Who can sit still while cheering for their favorite insect in the Olympic Bug Races and planting flowers and foliage to attract beautiful butterflies?
Cherished Treasures Adventure Camp:
July 11 – 15
8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Follow the map that leads to Cherished Treasures Adventure Camp where girls and boys will travel around the globe and explore 7 of the world’s most famous treasure islands. Buried chests full of handmade personalized jewelry, uniquely designed fancy belt buckles, and priceless tie-dyed t-shirts await explorers as they learn about the ambush of Nombre de Dios in the Caribbean Islands and the hidden treasures in the Tusket Islands that belonged to the d’Entremont family. Campers will listen to lost tales of sunken ships as they create their very own message in a bottle, replicate lost art from famous artists like Van Gogh and maybe even walk the plank if they dare.
Camp sessions are designed for ages 6 years old and up
$130.00 per session. Snacks provided.
Sign up today as space is limited.
Call 901-458-2678 for more information.
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